Booth Quotes (1)

Today I begin a series of random, sometime, uncomfortable quotes from the Army founders, Catherine and William Booth. Some may dismiss these as words for their time, with little relevance for today and just a bit "over the top".

Perhaps though a bit of discomfort and a bit of "over the top" is what our respectable modern (UK) Army needs. In an entertainment saturated society (a world where entertainment and pleasure are both aspiration and a way of life - saturating the things we do and say - conversations, time, money etc) we need that same uncompromising holy fire that saturated everything they did and said. Journey with me through these quotes and let's experience holy discomfort together and allow the Holy Dis-Comforter to set us on fire so that the whole world will come and see!

'We are not sent to minister to a congregation and be content if we keep things going. We are sent to make war...and to stop short of nothing but the subjugation of the world to the sway of the Lord Jesus' -William Booth


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