A Delightful Inheritance

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance (Psalm 16:6 NIV)

I was blessed before I was born. Through God's grace I was born into a godly family with a godly heritage on both sides of my lineage. 

My paternal grandmother knew and served the Lord, growing up within the Salvation Army. There she met and married my paternal grandfather who hailed from a non-Christian background but had a life transforming encounter with the Risen Christ, serving his Saviour within the ranks of the Salvation Army until the day he died. My maternal grandparents both came from Salvation Army stock. Both served as Salvation Army officers (a story, perhaps for another time). My family (including my parents) are my inspiration.

Today has been a bit of a pottering day and involved working through boxes stored in the garage as we prepare to move in July to our new appointment. I came across these photographs. Two are of my mum's dad - Jack - preaching his heart out in a Salvation Army open air evangelistic effort on the beach at Barry Island. The third is of both Jack and my grandmother, Rene, from an earlier time - I think during the war - when they both ran a Red Shield canteen. The fourth and final photo is of a later time, towards the end of their active service, when they worked with the Red Shield in Germany.

To sum up, I have a Salvation Army background (I was once, to my distaste, told that I have a good "pedigree") but one which combines personal encounter with the Risen Christ with sacrificial service and the  preaching of the Word. Truly my boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places and I have a delightful inheritance.


  1. WOW what a wonderful selection of photos and memories to ponder upon :) all the best with the packing :0 we are not moving appointments but house in Sept/Oct so, having been in this one for 7 years, we have quite alot of sorting out to do as well - especially as the new house will be alot smaller but on three floors!! *YAY*


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